The Essential Guide to Team Handbooks, Part 2


How To Write Your Team Handbook + Transform it into a Strategic Asset

Creating a team handbook is more than just assembling a collection of company policies.

It’s a swiss Army knife for your business, a versatile tool that aligns with your goals, protects your company, and helps your team thrive. 

In Part 1 , my goal was to convince you why every business needs a handbook. You can find it here

In Part 2, I’m breaking down how to leverage your team handbook strategically. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to transform an unassuming document into your company’s secret weapon. 

How to Write Your Team Handbook (without being basic!)

Let me be clear on something.

Assembling and distributing basic information won’t cut it. 

If you want your handbook to be more than a dust collector on a desk, if you want to make it the powerful tool it’s meant to be, you must must include the right components.

That’s why I’m taking out the guesswork with a three-stage plan to create a handbook that’s not just helpful but indisposable. 

How to Write Your Team Handbook (without being basic!)

Let me be clear on something.

Assembling and distributing basic information won’t cut it. 

If you want your handbook to be more than a dust collector on a desk, if you want to make it the powerful tool it’s meant to be, you must must include the right components.

That’s why I’m taking out the guesswork with a three-stage plan to create a handbook that’s not just helpful but indisposable. 

Stage One: Info Gathering

1. Define the purpose and scope: First things first. Determine how your handbook will serve your company. Are you using it as a training manual, a legal shield, a communications guideline, or maybe something else? Get everyone involved on the same page. A confused team makes for a confusing handbook.

2. Reflect on your company’s values: Your values aren’t just a marketing tool. They should be interwoven throughout your company’s day-to-day operations and throughout the handbook. You’re not marking a checkbox. You’re embedding your culture into every page.

3. Gather Information: Review existing documents – HR policies, employee manuals, and legal documents. For larger companies, interview key stakeholders, to get the full picture and shape your handbook.

Now you’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to start crafting the content.

Stage Two: Drafting The Perfect Handbook

4. Identify Key Topics: Here’s when you need to decide what’s going into the handbook. Think how the topics serve your company and if they meet the defined purpose and scope you’ve set. Stay tuned for more on this in the next section!

5. Organize the Content: No one wants to sift through a handbook to find key information. Structure your handbook with a table of contents, headings, subheads, and bullet points. You want to make it user friendly, not just for your team, but for your leadership and yourself.

6. The Writing Style: Keep it clear and concise. Your writing should also reflect your company’s values and voice- whether professional, quirky, humorous, motivational, or something else.

Once you’ve drafted the content, it’s time to refine and perfect it.

Stage Three: Review and Revise

4. Review Process: Time for a quality check. Set up a review process with multiple members of your team to review for accuracy and completeness. Nothing delegitimizes a handbook as quickly as one that’s chalk full of errors, inconsistencies, and typos.

5. Distribute and Discuss: Now, it’s time to provide the handbook to all team members. Ideally, this should be in print and digital formats. Don’t stop there. You should also provide training or schedule a meeting for team members to understand the contents and ask questions.

6. Update Every Year: The handbook should grow with your company! Review and revise it annually to keep it fresh and relevant. If your company evolves, then so should your handbook.

Not that you know HOW to create a team handbook, let’s move onto the content…

The Content: Must-Have Topics for Every Handbook

To maximize your handbook’s impact, you’ll want to include these essential topics.

  1. Vision and Mission: Including your company’s vision and mission isn’t just a nice-to-have. It’s essential.
  2. Company culture and values: Reinforce what your company is all about. Your values should be in every touch point with your team, so make sure it’s also in the handbook.
  3. Communications: Clear communication prevents errors, delays and is in short, vital for any successful business.Outline the preferred methods of communication, guidelines for tools (e.g., email, messaging, video), and guidelines for interactions.
  4. Workplace Conduct: This topic is essential for creating a safe and inclusive workplace and minimizing your own liability. Define what’s acceptable and what is not. Include company policies on discrimination, harassment and reporting issues.
  5. Compensation, Payroll, and Benefits: Don’t forget to include benefits eligibility, enrollment procedures, and related policies.
  6. Policies and Procedures: Cover all the essentials – remote work, attendance, travel, time off, use of social media, and more. This should be a go-to source for company expectations.
  7. Performance Review and Expectations: Let your team know what to expect and how their performance will be evaluated. This is where you establish those expectations and procedures.


Creating a great team handbook can be a game-changer for your organization. Think of it as more than just a set of rules—it’s a tool that can communicate essential information, protect your company, and reinforce your culture and values.

Remember, your handbook shouldn’t gather dust on a shelf or get lost in a virtual folder. It’s a living document that needs regular updates as your business evolves. Keep it dynamic, clear, and aligned with your goals to really make it work for you and help drive your business forward.

Need help crafting a team handbook?


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