A comprehensive roadmap to help you achieve your next business milestone

Danielle C Levy Assessments
The ultimate pathway to grow and scale: ​
How to identify the next right steps in every area of your business

... so you can reach the next business milestone and stop being the Chief Everything Officer.

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The average online business takes years to generate a profit and many discover they’ve stalled out before hitting the magical 7-figure mark.

When you’ve been working hard, but you’re still frustrated and feeling stuck, and you can’t figure out what to do next…​

It may feel more like​ your business is running you than you running your business.​

When you’ve hit a plateau and don’t know where to go from here, it's time to do something differently.

Danielle C Levy DEI
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You may be feeling like…

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You’re anxious and worried because you don’t know what you don’t know and every day you’re hoping nothing comes crashing down because something didn’t get. done that you didn’t even know was a thing!

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You know you need to hire someone to help you but can’t move forward because your processes are all in your head. And what worked great in your previous career doesn’t seem to be what you need now.

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You’re embarrassed because your peers, vendors, or clients toss around terms and you aren’t sure exactly what they mean and why they’re important (often things like P&L, KPIs, ROIs, editorial calendars, EMS, A/B testing, mockups, branding guides). It’s almost like you’re having to learn a new language along with growing your business.

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You need to update your website but you have no idea where to find time to figure out what you want it to say and hire someone or dig in and work on it yourself

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You’d love to take a real vacation and relax but you can’t figure out how to push “Pause” on your business operations long enough to make that happen or how everything would keep going if you weren’t there 24/7.

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You’ve had successes as you’ve built your business but now you can’t seem to move forward; everything that you did to get you here isn’t working anymore

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You know you should be looking at your numbers but you aren’t sure where to look, what to track and whether your numbers are good or bad. It all seemed so easy when you were back in corporate and someone else was gathering the data and setting up the tracking systems.

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You know your online marketing needs to be consistent but you procrastinate on it every week

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You have unhappy customers because the process isn’t streamlined but you don’t know where the problems actually start or how to get them fixed

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This is NORMAL for businesses, like yours,​ when you’re in the 6-figures and reaching for the Million​ Dollar mark… you find yourself STUCK!

You haven’t had a trusted copilot to show you the ropes and guide you through the next steps.

No one shared the reality that getting to the next level requires MORE than just running a basic business and offering a great service.

You also need to plan and successfully implement marketing, customer service, finances, legal, team building, and create opportunities to scale, and so much more – even though these aren’t the reasons you started your business in the first place.

The good news is that you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself.

This is the kind of problem I’ve helped dozens of business owners solve over the last 20 years. I’ve worked with Fortune 500 companies and a variety of private 1:1 clients as an integrator, marketing operations director, chief of staff, and executive-level project manager.

Danielle C Levy Homepage Details
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I’m Danielle Levy.

Too many times I’ve seen otherwise successful businesses get STUCK because the CEO was mired in the details and couldn’t break free or didn’t know the next right step to grow and scale without getting overwhelmed.

As I dug into finding solutions to the challenges, I drew on the principles, theories, and best practices I learned through earning an MBA, becoming a certified OBM (Online Business Manager) and earning and maintaining my PMP (Project Management Professional). Those 3 programs have given me a broad look at business (on- and off-line) so I can quickly see where problems start. And they have given me a depth of understanding to root out the issues with a clear path of what needs to be done to fix the underlying problem

My professional background working in fast track startups as well as big-name and exclusive brands, coupled with my formal education, and specific experience as a wedding consultant for a major hotel, led to me developing my proprietary 3-House Business framework and 360-Degree Business Operations System to help more businesses get the results my 1:1 clients have gotten.

Imagine when…

You confidently onboard a new client knowing everything is in place to support them throughout your time working together

​You know exactly who your next hire should be and how they’ll support you (plus how to evaluate what’s working and where they need more direction or training)

​Your website and marketing are updated and look professional because you had the time to focus on them while your team was running the business

​Your ICE (In Case of Emergency) and operations infrastructure plans are broken down into manageable, clear steps so you (or your team) can check them off and seamlessly move from one to another without getting overwhelmed or wondering what to do next

​Your numbers don’t scare you. In fact, you look forward to analyzing the data because you know exactly what you’re looking for and what understanding these trends means to your business success

You know exactly what the next, right step is so you can continue to grow and scale the business that has been your passion

​When your right-hand person unexpectedly takes time off during a pivotal time in your business, the rest of the team doesn’t miss a beat because everyone knows exactly what is happening and what needs to get done

​You get to plan (and enjoy!) a vacation without stressing out about what’s happening in your absence or feeling anxious that nothing is happening while you’re off

​You finally get to experience the freedom that running your own business was supposed to bring

It’s all possible when your Business Operations is set up

strategically to grow and scale your business

Get started now with the

360-Degree Business Operations System

Identify the right priority action steps so you can grow and reach your next business milestone without adding stress or overwhelm.

Discover how to:

money leak

See where your money may be leaking (instead of making you more profits !)

right team

Hire the right team to do the right tasks (without wasting time, money, or energy trying to figure out who you need to hire next)


Uncork the bottlenecks in your business (so you can actually fix the root cause and not just manage the problem)

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Build the processes and systems to make your business work FOR you and not become just another J-O-B (even if they’re all in your head right now)


Take the actions you need, in the right order, to get the quickest wins and make the most progress (without feeling overwhelmed by all the tasks that still need to get done!)


Best of all, even though the 360-Degree Business Operations System is comprehensive, it isn’t overwhelming because each priority focus has its own action items broken down into easy, manageable steps.

It’s literally a step-by-step roadmap to break free from being stuck!

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My unique perspective of your business comes from my background as a wedding consultant for a major hotel. I believe your overall business can easily be divided up into three HOUSES.

The 360-Degree Business Operations System covers all 3 houses and each “room” in each house.

The Boardroom League™ is a phased approach to consulting designed to help you navigate current challenges and future advancements.


The Front of House is customer-facing.

This includes everything that draws your ideal clients into your virtual doors and helps them stay engaged and aware of your business and offers.


The Main House is core purpose & mission of your business.

This is the service you provide to your dream clients. It includes everything it takes to successfully do that


The Back of House is the behind-the-scenes operations.

... that keep your business functioning smoothly and profitably! This includes all the business basics like finance, HR, legal, intellectual property, technology, and more.

Inside each house, are DOZENS of different potential actions moving you forward - or stopping you in your tracks.

When you get the 360-Degree Business Operations System

With the Business Operations System, you can focus on what you do best while your business operates successfully throughout all three Houses!

you walk away with:​​

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Your 3-House Business Framework Scorecard and room by room dashboard showing which rooms in the house need your focused attention (and specifically which need to be addressed RIGHT NOW!) so you can get unstuck and move forward easily

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Your personalized Business House Inspection report with custom notes and recommendations for the over 250 different individual reference points my framework reviews which gives you a precise snapshot of your current business operations so you don’t waste time on tasks that don’t matter

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Your Action Planning Checklist for each of the 3 houses that so your team can easily implement (or hire me to do it for you!) with priority urgency and timeframes to keep you on track without being overwhelmed

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Danielle’s Delegation Dossier - a RACI (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed) matrix decision-making criteria and delegation system so you can effectively manage your team like a boss knowing nothing is getting left behind or slipping through the cracks.

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Danielle C Levy About Intro

This system is EXHAUSTIVE without being exhausting

Instead of overwhelming you and your team and handing you a 10-page “To Do” list, you get an easy-to-follow compass and easy-to-implement Dashboard System.

You get priority tasks for each quarter so you can easily delegate and check tasks off the list.

You could pay tens of thousands to hire the right mix of marketing and professional consultants so you have the expert help to successfully structure your business operations strategy.

Or you could invest just a small fraction and get & your next right step handed to you in a clear, easy-to-follow system.

Right now, for this Beta round, I’m offering the

360-Degree Business Operations System for the LOWEST RATE EVER – just $1997.

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THE “If you’re stuck, I’ll work with you 1-on-1 to make sure you get unstuck” GUARANTEE

I believe so strongly in this system and process, and I know you’ll get the results.

If you find yourself still stuck and not sure what actions to take to build your business operations to support your growth, or if you still aren’t sure who the next right hire is…..

I’ll work with you 1-on-1 with unlimited Voxer access for an additional 30 days to make sure you get the help you need to keep moving forward frustration-free!

I’m so confident in the 360-Degree Business Operations System, I promise when you partner with me and do the work, you’ll get the results. And, as your co-pilot, I’ll be right beside you each step along the way!

And because I believe it’s critical to partner with someone who’s got your back, I’ve got MORE for you!

The biggest stumbling block to taking action is TIME!

If you don’t have an OBM or Integrator already, it may feel like an impossible task to add one right now.

If you have a VA who is moving into an OBM or Integrator role, adding this to their task list may feel bewildering as to how to effectively manage it.

When you get the 360-Degree Business Operations System, as a BONUS you also get immediate access to:


bonus #1

The Solo-to-CEO system

The proven tools so you can make the right hires to build an effective, efficient, strategic team that runs the business so you can grow the business.

The Solo to CEO System is a complete bundle of all the tools and resources you need. It includes:

Value $250

​14 detailed job descriptions for you to attract the right people and avoid wasting time on 100 under qualified applicants

Team Formula to automatically show you exactly which positions to hire for your unique business

​Accountability chart to clarify what specific tasks each team member is responsible for so as to minimize

​Interview questions to get the right information and hire real, trustworthy experts (instead of people just faking it)

Quantitative hiring evaluation to make it obvious which candidates have the most experience, ability, and interest--taking the stress out of decision-making

​​Hiring timeline that clearly outlines the exact steps you need to get your team moving--so you can confidently move in the right direction

​PLUS: Blind Hiring so that you choose the best person for the job without allowing your subconscious prejudices to get in the way

PLUS: Hiring Hot Spots so you can quickly find the most skilled contractors without wasting time


bonus #2

Ready, Set, Onboarding System

Stop the revolving door of constantly hiring new team members with the Ready, Set, Onboarding System. When you set up your new hires for success from your initial contact with them through their first day on the job, you boost retention and engagement. Save time and money when you hire and onboard the right people, the right way.

Value $350

​Create insightful application forms to get the right information to hire the right people in each role in your business

​Run Smart Interviews so you get the right information to hire trustworthy experts (instead of expert interviewees who can’t actually do the job)

​Interview questions to get the right information and hire real, trustworthy experts (instead of people just faking it)

Easy-to-use templates to move great candidates through to the next phase of hiring (and to nicely reject those who aren’t a good fit)

​A complete offer letter so your right-fit candidate has all of the details they need to feel confident in your offer

​PLUS: Step-by-step guide for Modern-day Reference Checking so you get solid answers to guide your decision making


bonus #3

Team Up Toolkit

When you have an amazing team and you need to accelerate their growth, use the Team Up Toolkit so each team member can do their best work and work together with effective processes. This way, you can stay in the role of the CEO doing what you do best (and what you most enjoy!) ...that’s why you started your business in the right place, right?

Value $950

​Team Goal Planning templates to determine and display your 30, 60, and 90-day goals so your team knows what to focus on and when

​Onboarding Trello Board so introducing new team members is clear, easy, and profitable

​Offboarding Checklist so your business continues to operate smoothly even when a team member moves on

​Success Factors Matrix so you can continually measure the success of each team member and easily see when a problem is occurring…before it’s too late

​Done-For-You Welcome Packet to automatically answer new team member’s’ questions so they can quickly get up-to-speed while being graciously welcomed into your business

Team Directory Trello Board so everyone is on the same page with clear communications lines and responsibilities (no more having tasks slipping through the cracks because no one is taking responsibility for them)

​Guide to Having Difficult Conversations so you can approach team members with confidence and in a way that gets results without being too harsh (and losing employees) or overly nice (and nothing actually changes)

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bonus #4

Bring a team member

Have a team member, integrator, chief of staff or other right-hand support? Bring one additional team member with you for the Intensive so everything doesn’t fall on you…so you can step AWAY from being the Chief Everything Officer and step INTO the true CEO role.

Value $500
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bonus #5

Voxer Access

Private Voxer access to me exclusively for 360-Degree Business Operations System purchasers for 30 days so you can quickly get unstuck and get your questions answered.

Value $1175

With the 360-Degree Business Operations System, you get:

Your 3-House Business Framework Scorecard highlighting where you need to focus RIGHT NOW so that you can quit wasting time on things that don’t matter

​A personalized Business House Inspection report with custom notes and recommendations for a precise snapshot of your current business operations so that you can seamlessly move forward

​An Action Planning Checklist with priority milestones and timeframes to keep you on track without being overwhelmed

Danielle’s Delegation Dossier so ticking items off the to-do list is EASY and nothing gets left behind or slips through the cracks

BONUS: The Solo-to-CEO so you can get the right people doing the right jobs with every hire you make

​BONUS: Ready, Set, Onboarding so you save time and money by hiring and onboarding the right people, the right way

​BONUS: The Team Up Toolkit so everyone on your team is doing the right jobs and working TOGETHER so your business operates smoothly and effectively

​BONUS: Bring a team member with you to the Intensive and hand off the tasks so you aren’t left with everything on your plate

BONUS: Get private Voxer support so you can quickly and easily get your questions answered and move forward taking action

That makes this system and bonuses with a total value of $10,640 an incredible deal at just $1997!

How does the 360-Degree Business Operations System actually work?

It’s an easy 5-step process:


You book the introductory call


​You meet with Danielle and we go over my exclusive 3-House Business Framework and questions so you’re fully prepared to make the most of our deep-dive Intensive call


​Our Intensive call covers all 3 houses and gets the data our team needs to prepare your custom 360-Degree Business Operations System


​You submit any additional data we need


​Danielle completes your personalized 3-House Business Framework Scorecard, Business House Inspection Report, Action Planning Checklist, and Danielle’s Delegation Dossier and you get your next, right step to grow & scale your business


If you’re like most of the CEOs I talk to, you find yourself wasting time and energy because you don’t have the systems and processes in place to operate effectively in all three business houses.

Unless you do something different, you’re going to find yourself returning to the same problems over and over again. Repeating the same actions over and over again. And experiencing the same frustration over and over again.

Let’s face it, you can’t grow and scale if you don’t know the right steps to take.

The best way to move forward is to get help from a seasoned expert who will come alongside you so you get a clearly defined Business System strategy and priority actions.

With the 360-Degree Business Operations System, you’ll get exactly what you need to intentionally build a business that can run itself while you serve your clients at the highest levels of excellence.

Can’t wait to meet you, dive into your business, and help you get set up for success,



If you’re like most of the CEOs I talk to, you find yourself wasting time and energy because you don’t have the systems and processes in place to operate effectively in all three business houses.

Unless you do something different, you’re going to find yourself returning to the same problems over and over again. Repeating the same actions over and over again. And experiencing the same frustration over and over again.

Let’s face it, you can’t grow and scale if you don’t know the right steps to take.

The best way to move forward is to get help from a seasoned expert who will come alongside you so you get a clearly defined Business System strategy and priority actions.

With the 360-Degree Business Operations System, you’ll get exactly what you need to intentionally build a business that can run itself while you serve your clients at the highest levels of excellence.

Can’t wait to meet you, dive into your business, and help you get set up for success,



Frequently Asked Questions

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