Even the best pilots in the world fly with a co-pilot by their side.

You run your own business. It’s time to get your own co-pilot.

You’ve waved goodbye to a successful, traditional career and followed your heart and passion. You pivoted into running your own business, but now you’ve discovered you can only grow so far on your own. All too soon you find yourself feeling stuck. All the skills, expertise, and background in the corporate world don’t translate seamlessly into being an effective CEO for yourself. When you work with an operations expert, you get the support you need to grow and scale….….while enjoying the freedom promised by owning your own business.

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Danielle C Levy Consulting Co Pilot

Ways Clients
Work With Me >>>

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It’s time to stop being the bottleneck in your business.

I hate to just get right into it 😉 but if you don’t have the time or energy to move forward with opportunities and projects that are pushing your business forward, it’s going to be REALLY hard to grow. This lack of time and energy is usually due to being spread TOO thin and not having the correct strategy or team within your business.

This is where support, strategy, and execution from someone who has been helping CEOs and business owners for the last 7 years, comes into play.

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I’m ready to tackle your business from all angles so you can

increase your capacity to serve your clients

let me guess...

Do you ever find yourself thinking...

"I'm successful and making money, but leading my business alone is burning me out."

“I feel frozen and don't know what my next move is.”

“I have tons of ideas, but no time or bandwidth to implement them, so they end up staying stuck forever as just that… ideas.”

“I am overwhelmed by what I am seeing others doing online and don't know where to begin or how to pull it off”

“No one else does it the same way-- I can't step away from my business or not be the Quality Control Officer.”

"I keep encountering the same problems and band-aid solutions aren't cutting it anymore."

"I need to hire, but I don't have the time to source, vet, and onboard a new team member."

"I wish I had someone with REAL experience to brainstorm with and bounce ideas off of."

The good news is that all of these challenges can be addressed with a Business Co-Pilot like me by your side.

Danielle C Levy Consulting CTA
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You have to let go, to grow.

Elevate your business with me as your trusted co-pilot and rediscover your vision as CEO.

Here’s how it works… Hiring me as your business co-pilot means I will be working alongside you in your business. This also means that I will be the one getting into the weeds of your business so that you don’t have to.

I can help you put a strategic plan in place to amplify your vision, along with a solid plan to implement in every area of your business while ensuring you have a strong foundation to grow on.

As your business co-pilot, I’m not just showing up once a week for a call – I’m really in it with you. I’m here for questions, to help support you when you hit a wall, and to of course… set you up for long-term success.

I understand that this is HARD. I will meet you where you’re at so you feel in control of your business every step of the way.

Literally, imagine me sitting next to you at your desk…

After we have an initial discovery call to discuss your business, your goals, and where you could use support, I will build a customized package for you based on your goals and business needs.

With me as your co-pilot, we’ll work on things like:


Strategy & Planning

Quarterly strategic growth planning: are you hitting your goals, why or why not? What can we do to optimize the next quarter?

Marketing Strategy: yep, the BIG picture stuff.

Weekly check-ins: Let’s talk about day-to-day tasks that are STILL connected to your bigger goals.

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Full business audit to reveal any gaps in your foundations. Think of it as a business check-up to see where you’re at currently.

Troubleshooting: recurring problems? High turnover? Client complaints? Not moving fast enough or quality is suffering? Dip in sales? Let’s figure out why.

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Team Management & Hiring​

Delegation: because as we say… you have to LET GO, to grow.

Done-for-you hiring: Gone are the days of worrying about job descriptions and where to post them… I’ve got you!

Team management: I’ll handle your team, so you don’t have to

Coaching & support: for when team members aren’t the right fit



Visionary Integration Projects (VIP DAYS)

When you need targeted support to grow and scale your business, getting a whole VIP Day experience provides a quick injection of guidance and direct support.

As your Business Co-Pilot, I help successful female entrepreneurs build businesses so that they can follow their passions and make a big impact on the world. Three ways we can work together in a VIP experience:


Co-Pilot For A Day

This intensive is for the successful woman-owned business owner who is confident in their business and where they are going. They want to build a team but aren’t sure how to get the right people in the right seats. Together we map out your vision, and create an accountability plan so we can see where you are spreading yourself too thin and doing too many jobs. Then we identify core functions in sales, offers, and operations and determine who you need and what skills and abilities they need to have. You walk away with a specific staffing and accountability plan in addition to the confidence you need to make the most of your team. You'll gain an understanding of the gaps in your business so that you know WHO your next hire needs to be and WHEN you'll start that process.


Clean-up Your Business House​

This intensive is for successful female entrepreneurs who have hit the proverbial plateau and need an action plan so you can diagnose the root causes and close the gaps in their business foundations and grow and scale. This business house “inspection” gives you an overall health of your business score by focusing on the front of house (what prospective clients see), the house (what clients see and how you generate revenue), or the back of the house (how you make sure your business functions like a business and turns a profit). Instead of reinventing the wheel, I analyze your current processes and systems and make recommendations for streamlining your business operations without creating complications. Together we’ll take a dive deep into your business model and outline a blueprint that matches your vision. You get a priority action plan designed to accelerate your growth.


Operationalize Your Business Values​

Struggling with something else? Contact me today and we can design a custom VIP day to match your business need. For established businesses that have a strong set of values but haven’t yet internalized them into their operations, this VIP day will help you incorporate your values into the processes and procedures that’ll move them from lofty aspirations to specific, observable behaviors. This is a high impact working session accelerating your growth strategy by identifying key performance indicators for your business and each team member that will position your team to work in alignment with your vision and ultimately be more effective and efficient..

Take Your Business To The Next Level!​

Ready to take your business to the next level, but not sure how you can do it alone?

Sounds like your business needs a co-pilot.

Let’s work together to grow and scale your business,

helping you live a life you love while creating a legacy.

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