6 Steps to Go from Chief Everything Officer to CEO


Are you tired of running your business on autopilot, constantly trying to please everyone, and struggling to stay afloat? Do you find yourself working long hours every day, feeling drained and unfulfilled? 

If so, it’s time to stop being the Chief Everything Officer and start being the CEO of your business. It’s time you experienced the freedom and work-life balance you’ve been working towards since starting your business. 

What a CEO Should and Shouldn’t Be Doing

Being the Chief Everything Officer may seem like a necessary role when you’re starting out, but the truth is that it’s slowing down your business growth, creating a salary rather than a legacy, and leading you to burnout. So how do truly start living your role as the CEO?

As the CEO, your role should be focused on setting the overall vision for your business, developing a high-level business strategy aligned with your long-term objectives, and establishing the organizational structure. You should also be serving as the face of the business for speaking opportunities, strategic partnerships, and new business development.

However, there are some tasks that the CEO should not be focused on. Routine administrative tasks or any task that is recurring should be delegated to others, as well as technology management duties and managing and facilitating communication between departments and team members.

“As the CEO, your role should be focused on setting the overall vision for your business, developing a high-level business strategy aligned with your long-term objectives, and establishing the organizational structure.”

My 6 Tips to Go from Chief Everything Officer to CEO

By taking certain steps you can get back to your vision and start leading your business like the CEO you were meant to be! To help you get there I’m sharing my top 6 tips to help you go from chief everything officer to CEO.

Time Blocking

One of the biggest challenges for business owners is finding the time to focus on the important tasks that only they can do. That’s why I recommend creating time blocks on your calendar to prioritize these tasks and ensure that they get done. Make sure to guard this time fiercely and resist the urge to fill it with other tasks.

But let’s take it one step further, when creating these time blocks be mindful about when you do your best work. Do you feel the most motivated in the morning? Or do thrive after five when everyone else has called it a day? Pick what time works best for you and make the most of it.

Identify Key Areas

It’s important to identify the key areas of your business that only you can handle and then create a plan for how to train/hire someone else to do the rest. This will help free up your time and allow you to focus on the things that truly require your expertise. Once you know what these key areas are, create a plan to delegate the other tasks to someone else. Don’t be afraid to outsource or hire someone to handle the tasks that are not in your wheelhouse. This is an investment in your business and your sanity.

But let’s be real, it can be hard to let go of control. So, start small by delegating smaller tasks and work your way up to the bigger ones. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

“Don't be afraid to outsource or hire someone to handle the tasks that are not in your wheelhouse. This is an investment in your business and your sanity.”
Embrace the Role of a Mentor & Coach

As a CEO, your role is not only to lead your team but also to develop their leadership skills. Embrace the role of a mentor or coach and focus on developing the culture and leadership within your team. By investing in your team’s growth, you’ll create a culture that values learning and development. This, in turn, will allow you to delegate more effectively, knowing that your team is equipped to handle the tasks you delegate to them. 

It’s also important to provide regular feedback to your team members. Let them know when they are doing a good job and when there is room for improvement. Use these opportunities to teach them new skills and provide guidance on how to improve their performance. This will create a positive and supportive work environment that encourages your team to continue striving for excellence.

“By investing in your team's growth, you'll create a culture that values learning and development.”
1:1's with Team Members

One of the best ways to develop your team’s leadership skills is to have regular 1:1’s with each team member. This is a great opportunity for you to gather feedback on blockers and opportunities for them to take on more responsibility within your team.

During these meetings, create a plan with each team member to help them grow and take on more responsibility. Take the time to identify their strengths, areas of improvement, and long-term goals. Additionally, making sure to set clear tasks and due dates to keep everyone accountable ensures that everyone is on the same page and that your team members are accountable for their commitments.

Start Saying No

Saying no is hard, but it’s an essential skill for any CEO. Remember that you control your time, and saying no or not now is a perfectly valid way to prioritize your work and protect your time.

When you start saying no to tasks that aren’t aligned with your goals, you’ll be surprised at how much time and energy you free up.


Ultimately, learning to say no is about setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your own work and goals. It can be difficult at first, but with practice, it will become easier and ultimately lead to greater productivity and success. So don’t be afraid to start saying no and taking control of your time!

Ultimately, learning to say no is about setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing your own work and goals.
Take Time to Plan it Out

Planning is critical for any CEO to stay connected to their goals and vision. It’s easy to get pulled into the weeds of day-to-day tasks, so taking the time to plan out your priorities is essential. When you plan out your day, week, or month, you can make sure that you’re focusing on the tasks that will move the needle the most.

Of course, planning isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Some people prefer to plan out their day hour by hour, while others like to plan out their week or month. Some people use digital tools, while others prefer a good old-fashioned planner. Whatever system you choose, make sure it’s something that you’ll actually use. If you don’t like the tool or process, you’re not going to stick with it. Experiment with different methods until you find one that feels natural and effective for you.

When you plan out your day, week, or month, you can make sure that you're focusing on the tasks that will move the needle the most.

Leveling Up to CEO Status

Growing and scaling a business is no easy feat, but it’s a lot easier when you get out of your own way. By moving away from the Chief Everything Officer role and into the CEO role, you’re removing bottlenecks in your business and creating a path for sustainable growth by treating your time carefully, establishing boundaries, and developing a culture of leadership so your team can act confidently in their roles. 

Of course, this is all easier said than done so my advice to you is to start by implementing just two of these tips to get started. Take some time to reflect on what is and isn’t working in your business and choose the tips that will help you make tackling those challenges easier. 

I’m rooting for you!

Take the Next Step Towards Being the CEO You Were Meant to Be

If you’re still feeling stuck and need some personalized guidance, let’s connect through The Boardroom League! 

This exclusive community helps 7-figure CEOs, business executives, and ambitious entrepreneurs navigate business strategy and implementation with ease. 

We’ll help you create a custom plan that addresses your most pressing business problems AND implement it, so that you can streamline, scale, and grow with ease.


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