Done is Better Than Perfect


If you’re anything like me, you don’t need a great idea, you need to make a great idea happen. I rarely struggle with ideas. I am surrounded by amazing, inspiring, creative thinkers. Their “Aha” moments floor me. Their new plans, and processes, and programs make me simply giddy. 

Inspiration isn’t what’s missing. It’s Implementation. It’s not the coming up with that moment of genius that leaves people feeling stuck. It’s the follow through. And that gets hung up in the “perfecting”. It stalls out making sure every last element  is perfect.

It’s important to remember perfection is subjective. If your goal is to grow as a creator, you’re procrastinating on enjoying your potential success by waiting. It doesn’t have to be that way, thankfully. 

My advice to you? 

Get your project out there or hire someone to get it out there (or help you get it out there) for you. You know… That sales page you’ve been tweaking for weeks. The guest post you’re putting off pitching. The webinar you’re ready for, but refuse to schedule. That half-finished online course your audience needs but you don’t want to disappoint them.

DO IT. If it flops? Figure out why. Come back to your list. Rework it or you move on to the next idea. But don’t hold off on doing what you want to do because it needs to be perfect. You just need to make it real. Whatever your big idea, make it known. Make it public. So how do you do this?

Step 1: Go through and write at least 5 reasons you want to finish that project. Why does it excite you? What will it bring into your life? How will it help you make an impact? If your project doesn’t have a strong enough WHY.… delete it and move on!

Step 2: Schedule each piece of the project into your calendar. Scheduling makes things real. Put yourself on a schedule, aim higher with each draft, and just publish it as planned, no matter what.

Step 3: Announce your intentions and hold yourself accountable. Share your goal with your email list, post in a Facebook group, or simply email me (link to contact form).

Remember, showing up consistently is the first step to growing in any field and true growth and experience comes in the progress and the lessons learned, not the perfection. You’ve got great ideas. Now go make them happen! 


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